Build a Bot: Data-powered conversations

Ben Brown
Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2017


One of the super useful things a bot can do is quickly look up information for a user, and send the results as a response. Imagine if you had a bot that could look up bug reports for you, or a bot that can check the status of orders for your customers. Most of these features follow a similar pattern, one that we’ll demonstrate how to build yourself in this tutorial.

You will learn how to implement a simple data-powered conversation in your own bot, using Botkit Studio. In the end, you’ll have a real bot that you can continue to customize and use on your team!

To follow along, you will need:

Here’s what it’ll look like in Slack after we’ve built our new command — an order status feature that looks up an order based on a user’s email address, and presents a rich card with order information pulled from a dynamic source.

First, we will create a new script to provide structure and flow to the order status conversation. Use Botkit’s import feature to add this pre-built script. You can import the script directly from the url, or copy-paste the content of that link into the import dialog. You will then be able to view and modify this script inside Botkit’s dialog editor.

You’ll notice the script has several threads, listed on the left of the dialog editor. These threads define different elements of the experience. We’ll focus on the two most important ones for now.

The default is where the conversation will start. In this instance, the bot offers up a quick greeting, then asks the user for their email address.

After receiving the address, the bot will transition to the status_report thread, which includes a rich card with information about the order, and some additional buttons for taking related actions.

{{mustache.tags}} allow dynamic content to be used in dialog

In the status_report thread, in the attachment builder, you’ll see lots of weird values that look like {{vars.this}}. Those are Mustache template tags that tell Botkit to put dynamic values into the script. Every single field in a Botkit script can use this type of template tag to incorporate dynamic content into the dialog.

Without any new code in your bot, this script can be triggered in Slack, and your bot will dutifully walk through the dialog. However, the resulting order status card will be blank, because we haven’t actually done the database call yet.

How do we replace those template variables with external data?

Add Some Code

Now, we’ll add some code to the bot that does some real work — loading up an order out of the database, and providing the order details to Botkit.

Whenever a user answers a question, Botkit will look for functional hooks configured using the function. This function allows developers to specify a function tied to a specific variable in a specific script.

Grab the code from this url to add it to your project (also shown below). This module defines a validation function connected to the user_email variable, and uses the value to look up an order in the database. (In our sample code, we’re faking the database lookup, but it should be easy to swap our sample code out for a real DB or API call).

Then, once the data has been retrieved from the external source, we use convo.setVar() to add the results into the conversation. This data-binding turns all those places we have {{mustache.variables}} in our script into their matching, dynamically retrieved values from the database.

In the case that no order is found in the database, the bot transitions to the does_not_exist thread, which explains the error, and helps the user try again.

The next time we say order status to our bot, we’ll be guided through the conversation. As long as a valid email address is provided, the validate function will be called, and a dynamic order record will be inserted into the conversation. Now, instead of {{mustache.variables}}, our rich card in Slack will be filled with real information!

Next Steps:

Hopefully this tutorial will enable you to add new, useful features to your bot. These techniques can be applied to many different problems your bot might face!

Here are some next steps you can take:

  • Join us in the official Botkit community to discuss your projects, talk to other developers, and get help directly from the Botkit team.
  • Connect your own database or API to a conversation, and display dynamic values in a rich card interface
  • Try using the hook to add variables or transitions based on parameters passed to your script instead of answers collected from questions



I’m a designer and technologist in Austin, Texas. I co-founded XOXCO in 2008.