Botkit is updated to 0.6.0!

Support for Microsoft Teams, and the all-new message pipeline!

Peter Swimm


This version features some BIG CHANGES!

Microsoft Teams support!

Major changes to message handling code:

Introducing the Botkit Message Pipeline, a formalized process for Botkit’s handling of incoming and outgoing messages. All of the platform connectors have been refactored to use this new series of middleware functions, and are now implemented in a uniform way.

Developers who make use of Botkit’s middleware system should take time to read this update. Most current middleware functions will continue to work as expected, but mild changes may be desirable to update these functions to use Botkit’s latest features.

In addition, developers who use third party middleware plugins should carefully retest their applications after upgrading to version 0.6, as these plugins may need to be updated for full compatibility.

Upgrade Notes:

This version of Botkit deprecates the receive_via_postback and interactive_replies options that caused button clicks to be treated as typed messages. These and other small changes to the way Botkit emits events may require minor updates to some Botkit apps.

Upgrading from Botkit 0.5 or lower? Read this guide!

Botkit now has 🌮 145 contributors🌮!

What’s next? Check our Roadmap!

Our public roadmap is a guide to everything we are actively working on! Suggestions, questions, or want to get involved? Contact us!

Supercharge your bot with Botkit Studio!

Botkit Studio is a hosted development environment for building bots with Botkit. Developers using Botkit Studio get the full capabilities of Botkit, with the addition of many powerful bot-building features such as:

  • All the code you need to get your bot online in minutes
  • A visual authoring environment for designing and managing dialog
  • A real-time message console for monitoring activity
  • APIs that enable content and features to be added to bots without additional code
  • Role-based, multi-user teams support
  • Detailed usage statistics
  • Built-in integrations with top plugins and platform tools

Click here to sign up for a free developer account, and please contact us if you have any questions.

Botkit is the leading open source tool for developing bots for Slack, Facebook and other major messaging platforms. Dive into our extensive documentation, examples and starter projects, then join 6000 other bot developers in our community chat room.

